The Roots of Scouting was formed in 1980 as a Standing Committee of Baltimore Area Council. A primary goal at that time was to recognize Scouters who were distinguished servants of scouting within the African-American community. Such recognition was designed to coincide with Black History Month, and is still conducted annually at a Roots of Scouting Dinner held each year in February.
Our program expanded in 1987 with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Campout held each year on the weekend closest to January 15th. In 1989, the committee resurrected the fall Corro-boree; a camping format originally utilized in the late 1930's by African-American Scouters. The Kwanza Fellowship was established in 1992 to celebrate the Nguzo Saba (Seven Pillars of Strength).
In 1996,a fifth program under Roots Of Scouting's professional-volunteer umbrella established the first Annual Marcus Garvey Leadership and Training Institute at Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation. The same year, The Roots of Scouting became autonomous from the Baltimore Area Council and became incorporated as a not-for-profit organization.
The organization promotes African-American participation in the traditional local and national scouting activities. Over the years, fund-raising activities have been held in order to sponsor Scouts attending Jamboree and other scouting activities.
From the outset, the Roots of Scouting Organization has financially supported the Baltimore Area Council and other established scouting organizations. It rents campsites at Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation each year. In addition, the organization has encouraged participation in traditional and newly creative fund-raising programs.
It is clear that if traditional scouting is to survive in the African-American Community, it must be under the ideological stewardship and operational control of committed African-American leaders.